Multidisciplinary Team:
Having chiropractors and sports therapists on your team is beneficial as they can address a wide range of joint and soft tissue injuries and provide holistic care. Their high level training ensures that patients receive quality affordable health care from their first visit.
Treatment Options:
Our clinic offers a comprehensive range of treatments, including:
Ultrasound Therapy
Useful for various inflammatory neuromusculoskeletal conditions. Ultrasound treatment helps to alleviate any pain being experienced by a patient. The treatment promotes the healing of the problem causing the pain, and it reduces muscle spasms.
The treatment promotes the healing of the problem causing the pain, and it reduces muscle spasms. The treatment increase blood flow to the area being treated, helping to reduce any inflammation. It can provide relief from chronic conditions like arthritis that lead to inflammation and pain.
Deep Tissue Massage with Aromatherapy Oils
Deep tissue massage technique mainly used to treat musculoskeletal conditions, such as stiffness, strains, sprains and sports injuries. It involves applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues. This helps to break up scar tissue that forms following an injury and reduce tension in muscle and tissue. It may also promote faster healing by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation.
Modern Acupuncture/Dry Needling
Acupuncture appears to be effective in a wide range of painful conditions for example neck, Acupuncture provides gentle with effective technique for pain management and muscle relaxation for arm, back and leg pain. It has been successfully used to treat headaches, migraines, trapped nerves and various kinds of rheumatic, arthritic and muscular pain.
Acupuncture helps reduce pain by stimulating the brain to release the body’s natural pain killers called endorphins and encephalins, which can reduce pain and inflammation.
Manipulation and Mobilisation Therapy
Spinal manipulation and mobilization is an incredibly effective treatment options, but many patients are unaware of its benefits. The chiropractor uses his or her hands to apply a controlled, sudden force to a joint, pushing it beyond its usual range of motion. You may hear popping or cracking sounds as your chiropractor moves your joints during the treatment session.
Exercise and Rehabilitation Advice
Exercise and Rehab has many benefits, both curative and preventive, for physical and mental health. Any amount of exercise, even if it falls below the suggested amount, is likely to produce benefits, and its essential for long term recovery and has lots of health benefits. Rehabilitation enables individuals of all ages to maintain or return to their daily life activities, fulfill meaningful life roles and maximize their well-being.

Diet and Nutritional Advice
Nutrition is essential in rehabilitation and pain management to promote healing and repair. Proper nutrition can prevent chronic diseases, improve mental health, boost energy levels, and enhance overall quality of life. Knowing how to maintain a nutritious diet is essential for keeping up a healthy lifestyle.
People use cold therapy for pain reduction and inflammation control. Cryotherapy aims to decrease muscle inflammation and increase circulation by evenly distributing freezing air over the body. In London we provide referrals for variety of cryotherapy sessions, including same-day service.
Collaboration with NHS and Private Medical Sector
Collaborating with both the NHS and private medical sector demonstrates a commitment to comprehensive patient care. Arranging necessary tests like MRI, CT, and DEXA scans ensures accurate diagnoses. Discuss your requirements with your practitioner, so we may assist with your referral if required.
First Visit Expectations
It is reassuring to inform potential patients about what to expect during their first visit. This helps alleviate anxiety and provides clarity. Your chiropractor will brief you on the day about the process of consultation, and our dedicated chiropractic assistants are also available to speak to over the ‘phone to assist you with any enquiries.
Telehealth Services
Offering telehealth chiropractic and one-to-one sports therapy sessions via video link is a convenient and contemporary approach, particularly useful for patients who may have difficulty attending in person.
All Enquiries
Your fitness is important to us
Redbridge Back Pain Clinic is the best primary healthcare provider specialising in musculoskeletal and diagnostic for pain management services in the private healthcare market. Working with all major insurers and clinicians we offer fast assessment, expert diagnosis and world class service in back pain management.